Gold Spot Single Pot Still Irish Whiskey 13Year -750ml
The most recent addition to the Gold Spot series is a thirteen-year-old whiskey that continues to highlight the use of wine casks in whiskey production, breaking away from tradition and showcasing a blend of heritage and innovation. This unique expression combines Gold Spot's traditional ex-bourbon and ex-sherry cask aging with a distinctive 16-month maturation in Valpolicella Riciotto Italian wine casks. The final aging process enhances Gold Spot's subtle spicy undertones, incorporating rich layers of dark fruits, berry compote, and a velvety sweetness imparted by the red wine, culminating in hints of oak and sweet wine on the finish. This exceptional whiskey represents a perfect fusion of Irish whiskey and Italian wine, honoring the remarkable legacy of seven generations of the Mitchell family - stewards of Spot Whiskey and esteemed members of Ireland's winemaking community.
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