Effen Vodka - 750ML
Inside EFFEN Vodka (and each EFFEN flavor for that matter) you'll find a light, crisp vodka experience. This, our very first variety, was designed by bartenders for bartenders to be a perfect base for mixing cocktails. Still the original. Still smooth and refreshing.
EFFEN Dreamcicle
Savor the timeless summery taste combination of fresh orange and cream.
- 1 ¼ Parts EFFEN
- ¾ Parts DeKuyper Triple Sec
- 1 Part Fresh OJ
- ½ Part Heavy Cream
Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a fourth of the orange slice on the rim.
EFFEN Dreamcicle
Savor the timeless summery taste combination of fresh orange and cream.
- 1 ¼ Parts EFFEN
- ¾ Parts DeKuyper Triple Sec
- 1 Part Fresh OJ
- ½ Part Heavy Cream
Shake all ingredients with ice and strain into a chilled cocktail glass. Garnish with a fourth of the orange slice on the rim.
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