Ardbeg Scotch Single Malt 10 Year - 750ML
A phenomenal whisky packing powerful peaty deliciousness, Ardbeg 10 Year Old is a favourite of many whisky lovers around the world. Produced on the Kildalton Coast of Islay, this single malt matures for a decade before being bottled without any chill-filtration. If you're after a whisky with full of coastal air, smoke and more, this is exactly what you want.
Nose: A ridge of vanilla leads to mountain of peat capped with citrus fruits and circled by clouds of sea spray.
Palate: Sweet vanilla counterbalanced with lemon and lime followed by that surging Ardbeg smoke that we all know and love.
Finish: Long and glorious; sea salted caramel and beach bonfire smoke.
Overall: Precise balance, big smoke and non-chill filtered. This is why this is such a famous dram.
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